目前分類:Graduate Study (7)

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Two years past, thanks Jesus in His grace I finally made it. I'd never thought I will come to America and study here. But God is an amazing God. He made a perfect plan for me. Guided me. Opened the door for me. And Blessed me.

Because He brought me here, I got a chance to study in my dreamed school- UCLA. Opened my eyes to see things in different ways I would never seen. Met a lot of excellent practitioners and current/future leaders in the nursing field. Most importantly, I was drawn back to His love and rebuilt my relationship with Jesus.

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因為如果早一點點看到學姐們的分享文,當我碰到問題時,可能會feel better,至少知道學姐們也是這樣走過來。


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From the bottom of my heart, I think I need to choose LLU.

I think it's a test that God want to see if I really want to give Him 100% of mine.

when I made the decision, I began to cry...like you give your favor things to somebody..

I said to God...God if it is Your will, comfort me, let me don't feel sad but full of the joy.


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Two weeks ago, I got an acceptance from UCLA right before LLU's spring quarter began...

When 姑姑 told me the news, I was totally freak out...

I thought, is it a test or temptation for my faith to God?

It's always my prayer that I want to give my graduate school study and my dream to God..

During the process of applying LLU, I can fell God's blessing and presence.

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之前朋友問我 有關在這裡研究所的申請

來這裡兩年 因為沒有請代辦 從語言學校 考試 申請學校 執照 一步步慢慢的走 

我很幸運 因為有家人在這裡 所以讓我有辦法慢慢的學習

跌跌撞撞加上神滿滿的恩典 讓我走到了這裡

希望我知道的一點點 可以幫助想要來這的同學們 可以少走一點冤枉路 少花點錢

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Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say - Exodus 4:12


After I passed my NCLEX-RN, I got an interview from Loma Linda University.

I was so nervous because I need to speak English....

I don't know what to say and I totally have no confidence...

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還記得在Onething時候 不管是在prophetic ministry或是其他時候

當我不認識的人替我禱告的時候 都告訴我God loves me so much

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