目前分類:The Song I like.. (5)

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"You never change, You are the God You say You are 
When I'm afraid You calm and still my beating heart 
You stay the same, when hope is just a distant thought 

Tina Sun 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • May 21 Sat 2011 09:27
  • 出口

我開始明白要先放手 才摸得到天空



Tina Sun 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

random play 真的很奇妙
iTune裡頭有近千首歌 卻讓我聽到了這一首
最近 我在向神禱告 reveal His heart and plan to me
and 在這個時候 讓我聽到了這首歌
May it be my prayer...

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For a long time, I’ve been waiting for You

You have won my heart, and I am following

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I was made to love You and be loved by You...

上禮拜 我在唸書時 這個旋律一直在我腦海裡打轉著


God loves us.

He loves us since I was in my mom's womb.

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